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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Are You Looking at ME?

This is one of my favourite paintings.  I love her expression and always wanted to call her "who peed in your cornflakes?"  but me being me, I worried about offending someone.  I LOVE her attitude!  Any ideas on a better name? 12x16 watercolour on board

Monday, August 13, 2012

Try Again!

This little boy is painted from a photograph a friend took on one of his many travels (Thanks Paul!).  The bottom painting was "finished" about two weeks after my laser surgery and the top one is five weeks in.  Details are starting to come back.  I'll try him again in a few weeks and see how he looks.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Rocks at Sheep River Falls

Laser vision "correction" has put a damper on my summer painting habit!  It has killed me to not paint this past month.  Forgive this post if it is not up to snuff, I still see two tips on the paint brush!  I hoped a landscape would be more forgiving than a portrait.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Resilience My Hero

This is a picture of my Uncle Stan
He is the strongest man I know although he probably weighs 100pounds. He broke his back and is hurting big time but I know he will get better!