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Friday, October 4, 2013

Art Horizons Sale

Stop by and say Hi!  There will be lots of amazing art at this show.
Thanks to all of the great people who came out today!  It was a great show and I thoroughly enjoyed painting during the show.  It was national Watercolour Day so I guess I chose the right medium!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

My "New" Old Table

 My watercolours have not been inspiring me this week but this table sure did!  Too much fun!Now I have a sofa table and several storage boxes to have fun with too!  

Friday, July 5, 2013


Another painting from a photograph taken by young Adam Fisher.  12x9 w/c

The Alberta Flood Rose Project

These two paintings are donations for the Alberta Flood Rose Project.  Check it out at Check out the website to see the finished pieces and buy tickets for the gala and auction.

Monday, March 11, 2013


9x12 w/c on board
This painting is done using a photographic reference.  The photographer was Adam Fisher, a 10 year old former student of mine.  He is passionate about animal conservation and is using the proceeds from his photographs to support various conservation projects.  Visit his website at 

Well done Adam!

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Thank you Dr. Marco Bregliano and Dr. Pavol Liska at the Elizabeth Street Pet Hospital in Okotoks.  Brutus will be able to run and play again soon!
WC 9x12
Dr.s Marco and Pavol worked wonders with my Brute!  He is happily walking and running up to 8km/day!  Thnak you!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Sweet Baby

9x12 w/c
Happy New year!  This painting is free for the first person who recognizes the baby and gets in touch with me :)    Renee